
Motors Flex Their Power

Motors Flex Their Power

Motors can tend to get overlooked. They’re not the cool, new technology in the market—and they haven’t been for about 300 years. Yet for all the artificial intelligence and connected systems in the world today, just imagine a plant operation without an electric motor. When you do, all you’d see is rusting metal.

So we should love motors, because they make everything else we try to do possible. They literally power all our manufacturing goals and expectations.

Motors deliver every day, which is why we often can take them for granted. This eBook is specifically designed to keep that from happening. We’re going to strip away the myths about motors and take a deep look at how they are similar, how they are very different, and how to select the right motor for the right application. We’re going to discuss how their proper care and maintenance can extend their operational life and your plant productivity.

And finally, we’ll look at a case study that details how, when all of those considerations are made, how the right motor in the right application can keep things moving—even in a 24/7 operation.

Motor management is a fundamental part of every successful plant’s operation. Your motor management strategy will be enhanced by the expert ideas offered in this eBook.

What’s Inside


5 Common Motor Myths


The Hot Topic of Motor Temperature


What’s the Difference Between AC, DC and EC Motors?


Choosing an Electric Motor


Case Study: Material Handling Equipment

Bob Vavra

Senior Content Director for Machine Design and Hydraulics & Pneumatics

Bob has spent the last 17 years covering safety and plant operations, which has given him a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities in this sector. His role is to provide clear and useful knowledge across multiple platforms and ensure our readers have the knowledge they need to develop new solutions. As with all great engineering feats, this is a collaborative effort – so your voice is both welcome and needed as we build powerful content resources for our global audience.

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